The ‘Adopt a Midwife’ Foundation depends on donations in order to carry out its work.
The costs of a full scholarship for a 3-year midwife training are €3.000, the price in the South is the same as the price in Woliso (exchange rates may slightly affect the price). This includes room and board, some pocket money and a bus ticket home once a year. All students come from families that would never be able to cover these costs.
Needless to say, all donations are welcome. We will save up until we have a full 3-year scholarship, to make sure that every student can finish his or her education. As a result of this policy, it is unfortunately not possible to sponsor one specific student. However, on our website you can find photos of all students receiving an ‘Adopt a Midwife’ scholarship.
In order to limit costs, the ‘Adopt a Midwife’ Board works on a voluntary basis. In addition, the website is designed and maintained by a volunteer.
We would be delighted if you would make a donation to our bank account:
Triodos Bank NL04 TRIO 0390324280.